*:\./(),&%+'\\?!-"; $estensioni = array( 'pdf', 'php', 'htm', 'html', 'doc', 'rtf', 'zip', 'exe', ); $estensioniimg = array( 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', ); $defaults = array( 'lang' => 'ENG', ); $sections = array( 'madeinitaly' => 'Made in Italy', 'beniculturali' => 'Nuovo e Utile - beni culturali', 'temporeale' => 'Tempo reale', 'formazione' => 'Formazione', 'turismo' => 'turismo', 'people' => 'persone', 'creativita' => 'Festival della Creatività', 'SMAU' => 'SMAU', 'MIDA' => 'Progetto MIDA', 'archivioscala' => 'archivio', 'leonardo' => 'Leonardo da Vinci', 'hublot' => 'Hublot watches', 'pisanello' => 'Pisanello - San Giorgio e la principessa', 'gioielli' => 'Gioielli', 'tornabuoni' => 'Palazzo Tornabuoni', 'dulwich' => 'Dulwich Picture Gallery', ); $colonne = 4; $section_with_descITA = array( 'creativita', ); ?> here to log in again."); } } } else { session_destroy(); die("Your browser did not identify itself properly -- you may be using a misconfigured or needlessly paranoid 'privacy' firewall, or you might be an automated tool instead of a human being. This session cannot continue."); } } $SIDKEY = $sid; $SIDVAL = ${$sid}; $GETSID = "$SIDKEY=$SIDVAL"; if (isset($defaults)) foreach($defaults AS $key=>$val) if (!isset($_SESSION[$key])) $_SESSION[$key] = $val; $SESSIONIMPORTLOG='Setting '; foreach($_REQUEST as $key=>$val) { if (isset($regexps[$key])) { list($regexp, $default) = $regexps[$key]; if (!preg_match("/^$regexp\$/i", $val)) { // dmesg $val = $default; } } if (isset($_PERSISTENT)) if (in_array($key, $_PERSISTENT)) $_SESSION[$key] = $val; $SESSIONIMPORTLOG .= " $key='$val'"; // $GLOBALS[$key] = $val; } foreach($_SESSION as $key=>$val) $SESSIONIMPORTLOG .= " S.$key='$val'"; ?> 'xlimage,,root,centrica', '' => 'xlimage,,root,', '' => 'xlimage,,root,', '' => 'xlimage,,root,', 'localhost' => 'xlimage,,root,', '' => 'xlimage,,root,centrica', '' => 'xlimage,,root,centrica', ); ?> ERROR: cannot determine identity of this machine